الخطوط العريضة للقسم

  • Topics to be covered

    • Introduction: (Why is occupation safety and health needed?)

    Methods & strategies

    • Method of teaching: Lecturing.
    • Assignment: Write a summary at the end of the class.
    • Assessment strategy: Short quiz (MCQ), using Short Survey
    • Technological support: PowerPoint.

    Resources for Module 1

    1. Friis R.H., (2016). Occupational Health and Safety for the 21st Century. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.
    2. Fuller T.P., (2019). Global Occupational Safety and Health Management Handbook. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
    3. Reese C.D., (2017). Occupational Safety and Health: Fundamental Principles and Philosophies. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.