Section outline

  • Current week

    This topic is about the different environments of the earth which are called "biomes". You will learn about three biomes, namely, Tropical rainforests, deserts, and the Mediterranean biome. You will also learn about the prepositional phrases and how to use them.

    • Read the following sentences. Use the context to figure out the meaning of the words in bold.

    • Before you read, answer the following questions

    • Click on the icon to preview the reading text. 

    • Which biome or biomes is Palestine part of? Explain with examples.

    • Click on the icon to preview the rules of prepositional phrases 

    • Find a sentence in the text that means the same as:


      1. Earth is the place where many kinds of animals and plants live.

      2. The weather in rainforests is almost the same throughout the year.

      3. The cactus is one of the plants that live in the deserts.

      4. The cactus does not need plenty of water to stay alive.

      5. There are many species of animals and plants in the Mediterranean region.