الخطوط العريضة للقسم

  • Have you ever thought that the rich look poor?! In  other words, did you ever think why wealthy people don't really care about expensive brands and outfits? In this topic you will have fun exploring various views on fashion and how dressing down equals more respect and you will learn more about the proper use of the conjunctions because and so. 


    • discuss the below questions in pairs

    • work with a partner, read the below sentences and look up the meaning of the words in bold in the dictionary 

      • Click on the icon and read the following passage. It is about the ways people greet in different cultures.

    •      1. It is better to dress down than to wear elegant clothes. 

           2. The benefits and the downsides  of dressing down.

           3. The perception of people in Palestine of dressing down. Is it welcomed or frowned upon?


    • answer the following quiz to check your understanding of the text 

    • Click on this icon to preview the difference between so and because conjunctions 

    • check out the link for additional examples!

    • Write a paragraph on one of the following topics using what you have learned:

            1. Fashion you feel most comfortable to wear to university and how it is different from clothes you wear when you go out with friends.

            2. Your favorite shopping destination? When was the last time you have been there? With who? And why is it your favorite?