Section outline

  • In this topic, you will be introduced to Technology which plays a significant role in our lives, and to many applications to help people work, commute, communicate, and study easily, such as the Moodle application.  You will also learn about objectives and how to use them in your daily speech. 


    • Read the following sentences. Use the context to figure out the meaning of the words in bold.

    • Use the words you have learned so far in new meaningful sentences. Then, ask your partner to give you feedback.

    • Before reading the passage, click on the forum and answer the question:

      What is the short form of the word “technology”?


    • What major technical problems do Palestinians face when using e-learning from your point of view? Make a short presentation listing the obstacles and challenges after discussing them with your group. Upload your presentation on Moodle, and encourage students to give feedback.


    • Post your experience on the discussion forum on Moodle, and then gather your team experiences, upload the collected data on Moodle, and encourage students to comment on it.


    •  In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the learning process?

    • Go back to the text and find the adjectives. Use five of the adjectives in meaningful sentences.


    • Have you ever wondered if you have been pronouncing a word correctly or incorrectly?  Many applications may help you. You may visit the following websites to find further information about pronunciation.