Pronunciation of -s/-es

Course: إنجليزي إستدراكي الشعبة 1 نظري
Book: Pronunciation of -s/-es
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Date: Friday, 20 September 2024, 3:51 AM


Click on the icon to open a page in which the pronunciation of -s/-es is explained. 

1. Pronunciation of the final -s/-es

The final –s is pronounced as [s].

If the final –s comes after [k], [t], or [p] the final –s sounds [s].

Examples: it breaks, he helps, she works.

The final -s is pronounced as [z] if it come after [n], [v], [o:], [g].

Examples: she runs, it moves, he goes, she digs.

The final –es is pronounced as [iz] after [o], [e], [ch], [sh], [s], [z], and [x].

Examples: she watches, he washes, she crosses, it freezes, he fixes.