Present Perfect

Course: إنجليزي إستدراكي الشعبة 1 نظري
Book: Present Perfect
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Date: Friday, 20 September 2024, 3:46 AM


The 'present perfect tense' expresses actions that happened at an indefinite time in the past and continue to the present.


The following are seven cases in which we use present perfect simple:


- Mohammad and his brother have tried many sports.

For actions that happened during a period leading up to the present time. Exactly when the actions happened is unknown or unimportant.


- Look! Someone has broken the glass.

When an action happened in the past, and we can see the result of that action now.


- Amal has just gone to college.

For actions that happened a very short time ago.


- Have you ever been to Nazareth?

With ever and never.


- I haven’t seen the Nativity Church yet.

In questions and negative sentences with yet.


- My aunt and I have been to the Gaza Strip.

With actions that happened at an indefinite time in the past.


For actions or states which started in the past and continue until now


Use the present perfect tense with the following clues: just, yet, never, already, ever, so far, up to now, recently, since, for.   Think of some more sentences with present perfect simple tense.  


Remember: some verbs are irregular; there is no rule to change them to the past participle.

 Examples: break-broke-broken/ go-went-gone/ see-saw-seen.


1. GRAMMAR - Present Perfect