Palestinian Traditional Costumes: The Story of Place and Memory

Almost each country in the world has a traditional outfit that it is very proud of. Citizens of these countries usually celebrate their heritage by wearing these clothes in festivals and national occasions.

In Palestine, women are very proud of their “Thobs” which are traditional dresses that are embroidered  in different styles because different regions have their own styles and colors. 

In the past, Thob patterns also expressed women’s different social positions: red for brides, blue for widows, blue mixed with other colors for widows considering  remarriage.

Men, on the other hand, wear traditional kufiya (Hatta) and a long dress (gumbaz). Men wore these costumes in the past because they needed protection from the sun and the sand. Today, older men still wear them and younger people wear them in national celebrations.

Now, Palestinians of  all ages march the streets wearing traditional outfits on July the 25th of every year which coincides with Arab Culture Day in order to reconfirm their identity and  to celebrate their heritage.


آخر تعديل: الخميس، 6 أغسطس 2020، 3:52 PM