Present Progressive 

We use present progressive to describe an incomplete action which is in progress at the moment of speaking.

These expressions can be indicators of the present continuous:

now, at the moment, right now.


Spelling Tips

  • Add ing to most verbs.  play > playing, cry > crying, bark > barking.

  • For verbs that end in e, remove the e and add ing. slide > sliding, ride > riding.

  • For verbs that end in ie, change the ie to y and add ing. die > dying, tie > tying.

  • For a verb whose last syllable is written with a consonant-vowel-consonant and is stressed, double the last letter before adding ing. beg > begging, begin > beginning. However: enter > entering (last syllable is not stressed).

  • Present Progressive Form

Present Progressive Form                                 


· Suha is watching television at the moment.

· Suha and Ali are playing football now.


· Suha is not watching television at the moment.

· Suha and Ali are not playing football now.


· Is Muna talking to her mother at the moment?

· Are you coming over today?


آخر تعديل: الاثنين، 11 أكتوبر 2021، 5:02 PM