Course Tittle:  Sociological Perspectives on Work and Profession

Course Description

This course deals with the sociology of work, profession and industry, division of labor and analysis of professions from a sociological perspective, understanding work and professions from the perspective of politics and power, labor market relations with vocational and technical education and training institutions, application of sociological perspectives in understanding work and life’s career, study of sociological institutions related to work and profession, and the interaction of these institutions with other sociological processes and phenomena. It also focuses on providing students with theoretical and empirical knowledge about the analytical skills of work and the profession as a sociological institution and a social process. The concepts include: society and sociology, work and profession as a sociological institution and social process, the sociological theories in understanding work and profession, power and politics in the division of labor, justice and equality in work and professions.

Course offerings and format

This course is offered for: Master’s degree in Vocational and Technical Education and Training.

Credited Hours: 3 hours

Intended learning outcomes (ILOS) (in general)

Significant General undetailed course’s goals.

The student will be able to:

1.      Explain concepts: the sociological perspective of work and profession, the individual sociological and cultural dimension of sociological perspectives, sociological theories of work,

2.      Distinguish between Emile Durkheim and Ibn Khaldun's view of work and tracing the historical development of the phenomenon of work,

3.      Compare between the perspective of Emile Durkheim, the perspective of Ibn Khaldun, the bureaucratic perspective, the Marxist perspective and the capitalist perspective of work and profession,

4.      Describe the role of industrial and technological revolutions in understanding work and profession, describe the labor market as a sociological institution and its relationship with the technical and vocational education and training institutions.



Targeting assessment details and educational outcomes



Objective, open-ended and functional questions


Performance before midterm

Presentation on one of the subjects: design and show


Projects and tasks

A project by 3 students on work division, reading, analysis, collectivity, formation, and presentation


Final examination

Objective, open-ended and functional questions intended for the student’s ability of what he/she learns and understands





Course policy

1.      Attendance is mandatory and prior coordination with the course instructor before or after absence is required.

2.      Active participation in discussion and homework in terms of criticism and analysis Commitment to the ethics of scientific research and documentation.

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